Thursday, 5 June 2014

Lookin' Good

"You look good today Jennifer," My father in law says as I dropped my daughter off this week. My first thought as a woman was "as opposed to yesterday?" But of course I smile and say thanks. On my way out I stop and think, he said the same thing a few weeks ago. What is it about me on those days that made me stand out? Then it came to me, my new red trench coat. I got it in my head a little while back that I wanted a red trench coat, not a black or beige trench coat, but a bright red one. I looked for awhile and finally hit jackpot at a local Winners. When I put it on it brightens my mood. My sister in law thinks I look like Carmen San Diego but I don't mind, adds to the allure. Everyone starts to fall into a routine when it comes to their look, you get up and put on the same style clothes, the name colour spectrum and do your hair in the same manner. We are creatures of habit. But what happens when we break it? Something as simple as a piece of clothing out of your daily norm (bright red tench coat anyone?) or wearing your hair down instead of up everyday. Trust me someone will take notice. It is a simple change but it can be such a boost for your self esteem. So find a new shade a lipstick, a new hairstyle, something, until then there is a red trench coat calling me from my closet. Think I will look good today.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is that hair comment directed at me? haha! I feel so weird when I wear my hair down and everyone makes a big deal of it which makes me want to do it even less

  3. Yes, yes it was ;) How tuned in of you to notice that!
    Please just do it once. I will not make a big deal I promise.
