Monday, 9 June 2014

Cool find for parents!

My daughter says the darnest things, some really crazy things come out of her little mouth. I am always telling people the funny stories of the time she said one thing or another. I am sure other parents out there are the same.
But what is one day you stop telling the story or little details are forgotten. How are we going to touture or kids with embarrassing stories later in life if we can't remember them? I will be as if we failed as a parent if we can't embarrass our children!
I found this book at a local Chapters one day and it blew my mind. Yes! I need a place to write down those funny conversations! This bright cheery book has places to record date, people, age and place along with th conversation. For $17.99 I can now safety record those precious moments. Such as when my daughter said she thinks her poop is going to be ginormous this time and that she is afraid it will break the toilet. I will be able to bring that up later in life time and time again. One of the joys of parenthood.

You can order this on amazon too.

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